Nothing but Water

Say Goodbye to Hard Water: Discover our Top-Rated Water Softener Systems

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SKU: Poly Tnk Base, 8

Poly Tnk Base, 8

Poly Tnk Base, 8

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Poly Tnk Base, 8

Poly Tank Base 8″

The highest quality pressure vessel for residential and light commercial water softener/filtration applications. Structural Poly Glass pressure vessels provide years of reliable service for water softener and water filtration applications. These slim-diameter tanks hold up to 49 gallons of water and offer unmatched strength and chemical resistance.  All Poly Glass residential tanks are backed by an exclusive warranty.  Structural’s patented manufacturing process creates a seamless polyethylene shell that is wound continuously with miles of fiberglass reinforcements and sealed with epoxy resin. Computer-aided winding machines and other customized equipment are used to create a product that offers outstanding performance and durability.  Structural pressure vessels provide cost-effective solutions for the most challenging applications. Using the latest technologies, Structural critically evaluates every design detail to ensure their products meet or exceed ISO, AMSE, NSF, & other agency standards.


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