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Pentek Phosphate Cart

The  Pentek Phosphate Cart Pentek PCC-106 Phosphate Crystal Water Filter 24-Pack is a phosphate crystal filter that contains food grade with water for about 15 minutes then seek immediate medical attention.

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The  Pentek Phosphate Cart Pentek PCC-106 Phosphate Crystal Water Filter 24-Pack is a phosphate crystal filter that contains food grade hexametaphosphate that  Pentek Phosphate Cartslowly dissolves in your water to reduce scale and rust build-up. This water filter insert is placed Pentek Phosphate Cart in the center of open core filter cartridges. The PCC-106 water filter is also known as part number 155632-22 Pentek Phosphate Cart.

This Pentek PCC-106 serves as a protective coating on all metal surfaces to Pentek Phosphate Cartinhibit acidity, alkalinity, hardness, chlorine and other Pentek Phosphate Cartelements that corrode pipes and water equipment. The flow rate of the PCC-106 Water Filter is 1 to 1.5 gpm. This Pentek Pentek Phosphate CartPhosphate Crystal Filter is used with 10″ and 20″ sediment, carbon block and radial flow filter cartridges. Many types of water processing equipment like water heaters, ice machines, coffee makers, vending machines, food service equipment and air conditioning equipment should use this PCC-Pentek Phosphate Cart106 Crystal Phosphate Water Filter.

Pentek PCC-106 Phosphate Crystal Filter specifications:Pentek Phosphate Cart

  • FDA Grade Materials Pentek Phosphate Cart
  • pH range: 6.5 – 9.0
  • Dimensions: 5 7/16″ x 1 1/16″ Pentek Phosphate Cart
  • Filter Media: Food grade polyphosphate
  • Shell and Post-Filter Construction: Polypropylene
  • Temperature Rating: 40 degrees to 100 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Fits standard 10″ and 20″ radial flow, sediment and carbon block cartridges
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The Pentek PCC-106 effectively treats corrosion, scale and iron issues for up to 6 months. At various feed concentrations and flow rates, this phosphate Pentek Phosphate Cartcrystal water filter separates hardness particles to prevent precipitation and forming deposits when heated. The temperature rating for the Pentek PCC-106 Filter is 40 degrees to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. To prevent the phosphates in your crystal water filter from melting and becoming more soluble, use extreme caution to keep your water temperature below 100 degrees Fahrenheit.



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