Fltr Screens 100 Mesh For TLine Fltrs
The Rusco 1″ Spin-Down Sediment Filter System with polyester filter screen makes solid particle removal simple and economical. The benefit of the 1″ spin-down filter system is its ability to be cleaned and reused. The 1″ spin-down sediment filter by Rusco has a clear cover that can be easily removed for total cleaning. The unique tornado (spin-down action) effect created by the patented process is unique.
Rusco Spin Down Filter Polyester Screen – 1″ Features:
- Unique element design traps sediment in lower reservoir of clear cover.
- Clear bowl easily removed for total cleaning (no tools required – using tools voids warranty)
- Sediment is visible through the clear cover indicating when the filter needs cleaning
- Ball valve allows for quick sediment removal from bottom of cover
- Centrifuge spin-down-type sediment separation
- No down time!!
Rusco Spin Down Filter Polyester Screen – 1″ Benefits:
- The new 1.5″ and 2″ spin-down models make it easy to convert the standard spin-down filter to a sediment trapper by simply replacing the element screens
- No filter cartridges to replace
- No down time required flushing out sediment
- No wasteful backwashing required
- Small size takes little space
- Screen sizes can be easily changed if required
- Multiple uses: well water, irrigation, sand-sensitive valves, drip irrigation, faucet aerators, poultry growers watering devices (.010″), fogger nozzles, pre-treatment for ultrafiltration water systems and reverse osmosis